Episode 0: Introduction

Picture yourself strolling through a bustling Thai market, the air thick with the aroma of exotic spices and fresh herbs. As you weave through the crowded stalls, your senses are suddenly captivated by a symphony of scents wafting from a nearby food vendor. The locals call it "Gang" - a word that carries the essence of Thai culinary tradition.

"Gang" (แกง), often translated as "curry" in English, is so much more than a simple dish. It's a culinary journey, a story told through flavours that dance on your tongue and aromas that transport you to the lush landscapes of Thailand. To truly understand "Gang" is to unlock the heart of Thai cuisine.

Imagine a spectrum of tastes and textures as varied as the Thai landscape. From the mountainous north to the sun-kissed southern coasts, each region whispers its secrets into these aromatic concoctions. "Gang" isn't confined to one definition - it's a canvas on which Thai cooks paint with a palette of ingredients, each brushstroke adding depth and character.

Close your eyes and envision a steaming bowl placed before you. It could be a vibrant green curry, as bright as the rice paddies after monsoon rains. Or it could be a rich, ochre-hued Massaman telling tales of ancient trade routes and cultural exchanges. The "Gang" might be fiery red, challenging your palate with each spoonful or a clear, spicy broth that sings of a delightful symphony of aroma.

As you dip your spoon into this aromatic creation, you'll find that "Gangs" can be many things. Sometimes, it's a velvety embrace of coconut milk, cradling tender morsels of meat or seafood. Other times, it's a straightforward, intensely flavoured broth, singing with the sharp notes of kaffir lime and lemongrass. It might coat your tongue with a thick, creamy sauce or surprise you with a light, soup-like consistency perfect for scoping over fragrant jasmine rice.

The heart of any "Gang" lies in its curry paste - a carefully crafted blend of herbs, spices, and aromatics pounded together in a mortar and pestle. This labour of love transforms simple ingredients into complex flavours that have been perfected over generations. Each family, each cook, and each region has its secret recipe, passed down like precious heirlooms.

As you savour your “Gang," you're not just eating a meal but partaking in a centuries-old tradition. You taste the sun-dried chillies, the sea-salted air of coastal regions, and the earthy richness of mountain herbs. Every spoonful tells a story of Thailand's diverse geography, history, and people.

In essence, "Gang" is more than just curry - it's a cultural emblem, a culinary art form, and a sensory experience that captures the very soul of Thai cuisine. Whether fiery hot or gently aromatic, soup-like or thick as gravy, each "Gang" invites you to explore the rich tapestry of flavours that make Thai food a beloved cuisine worldwide.


Episode 1: Gang Keow Wan


Overview of “The Heritage of Gang”